None of the work we do at our church would be possible without God moving the hearts of our people to give. Your generosity helps create a church where people feel welcomed, led, and loved—a place where life-changing stories are being written every week. On behalf of those stories, thank you for giving from your heart.


There are two primary ways your donations contribute to North Hills Church and beyond: church budget and tithe.


• EVERYTHING we do at the local church (beyond the pastors' salaries) must find funding from local church budget

• Our fiscal year runs January 1 - December 31

• All records are open for review and explanation

• We are exacting in honoring the giver’s intention for their gift.


• Tithe is 10% of one’s increase (profit after the cost of doing business)

• ALL Tithe (100%) is sent to the Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

• Tithe pays our pastor, denominational teachers and denominational administrators.

• Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists operates on about 75 cents of every Tithe dollar

• 25% goes to support other levels of church work

If you would like to make a one-time gift or set up recurring automatic giving online please follow the link below. Thank you for being a part of what we do here at North Hills

Fire Relief Fund

Donate to "Californai Fires" relief

We're combining our efforts with other Southern California churches to provide support to so many that have been devastated by the recent fires. To be a part of this cause, simply select "California Fires" on the donation page and we will send the fund to be combined with those from other congregations at the Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. From there they will be identifying needs and providing support as they are able to with the funds that are given. 100% of the funds will go to those who have been impacted in this way.

Community Partners

  • Hope through Housing is dedicated to breaking the cycle of generational poverty by implementing programs that empower individuals and change communities. Each year we partner with them through monetary donations as well as an annual school supply drive.

  • The mission of Foothill Family Shelter is to assure children and adults a future by helping them acquire skills that will enable them to maintain a home, job and at the same time develop the necessary self-esteem to function as a successful stable adult. Each year we love to put together Thanksgiving baskets for residents here.

  • Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is a first- through twelfth-grade boarding academy providing Native American children and youth a safe place to live, learn, and grow for more than 70 years. Whether its sending Christmas gifts, raising funds, or making trips out to Arizona to help with renovations, we love providing hope for these kids.

  • Kuda Vana Partnership exists to empower the most vulnerable children of Zimbabwe to not just survive, but thrive. They truly put children first by building families, addressing the past, preparing for the future, investing locally, and introducing children to Christ by showing unconditional love.