Merch Partner and Purpose

Reminders and Resources

Through the years we have had quite a few series that included give-aways such as t-shirts, prayer journals, and more. We regularly get asked if there are any more of one item or another because we enjoy having reminders in our lives that can help us follow Jesus throughout the week. So we've enlisted "Easy Church Merch" to make it possible, and to add a few fun items that help us invite others to church. We do not make any money from the proceeds of these sales nor do we handle any of the merchandise. We simply upload the graphics from our series onto a product in case you might find it fun or useful, and keep the cost as low as possible for you.

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Have an idea for a design?

If you have been part of a program or listened to a message here and something that was said stands out to you, let us know! Maybe we can add it to a t-shirt or another product to help you remember that phrase and to share it with others. 

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